Meekie and his Facebook account

Meekie the Dog had a Facebook account,
his number of friends were a smaller amount,
than others he’d seen with stories galore,
with “Likes” in a quantity none could ignore.

All kinds of creatures he’d seen on his phone,
from baby Anteaters to Monkey’s full grown.
He’d viewed all the others in animal land,
if he were like them it would really be grand.

Wisdie the Cat had a magical hat,
and came to see Meekie in mere seconds flat.
For she had the power to get to the truth,
she had become known as a Fact Finding Sleuth.

With hat on her paw she punched in her code,
and from her computer realities showed.
One raging lion was raving his power,
the truth was that mice would just make him cower.

The honey he boasts is second to none,
when bear spied a bee he’d only just run.
The parrot who bragged of words that she knew,
though only a cow that could only say moo.

Sometimes things aren’t what they appear,
that others might write – not always sincere
Don’t really know why they’re acting that way,
but Wisdie to Meekie, “I’d just like to say –
for those who feel truths they must have to bend,
it’s facts that will catch them in the end.”