The Aging Game

If I am two and you are ten, could sit for me right now or then. But as we age the years apart, aren’t the same as when we start. If in my teens and you are more, can stand me now and eight is four. When three-o hits we are the same, a fact … Read moreThe Aging Game

Dummie Dums

I enjoy a birthday cake with my bestest buds, cotton candy, cherry pie, even milky duds. Pour that syrup – thick and rich – on my hottie cakes, take it straight – or with milk – for my frostie flakes. I like S’mores – on a stick – when I’m camping out. I do scream … Read moreDummie Dums

The Freedom of Speech

The Freedom of Speech was Given to All, created Back then and Still standing Tall. It’s listed as “First” and Not so by Chance, Forefathers were Smart by taking a Stance. Prior to This – Not even ask Why, or Subject to Prison and Maybe could Die No wonder this One’s the First that they … Read moreThe Freedom of Speech

Pains in the Ass!!!!

They had me pose here, and told me to stay. More dumb old pictures, they took yesterday. They put me in glasses, they put me in hats. They put me with pillows, they put me with cats. They put me in dresses, they put me in bubbles. For all this malarkey, worth all the troubles? For … Read morePains in the Ass!!!!


Got nothing to say, no thoughts at all. No pearls of wisdom, no answers to scrawl. The world did not end, am grateful – you bet. Depart this earth surely, but not ready yet. My take on world peace, though not really new. Treat others you meet, as you’d have them treat you. I’m  snug … Read moreWisdom

My Hair

Got strands on my head, of hair that’s still brown. Sticks up in the air, and will not lay down. Tried greases and gels, over the years. Even let my hair grow, down over my ears. Nothing has worked, as hard as I’ve tried. But now at my age, just take it in stride. I … Read moreMy Hair

Eyes of Blue

Not yet two you have no clue, what you do with Eyes of Blue. You make my heart go pitter-pat, when you look at me like that. Missed my daughter at this stage, gone to make a living wage. On the road too much back then, before I knew it she was ten. Older now … Read moreEyes of Blue