Bob Grant
Apps & Seniors
There’s Apps for this and Apps for that, from finding a product to starting a chat. The world is changing and so should we, not Tweedeldum or Tweedledee. “Apps” just mean you download somethin’, don’t call Old Folks a dumb Bumpkin. Believe the meaning for us Dinosaurs, “Always Progressive Productive Seniors.”
My Battle with Socks
In our house I do the laundry, some might feel I’ve crossed a boundary? Even iron ‘cause I can, Modern or a Lesser Man? Biggest battles are with socks, leads me to internal talks. In nice pairs into the hamper, then from there they seem to scamper. Tried mesh bags but went nowhere, when tangled … Read moreMy Battle with Socks
A new Design for the Head
If I had Designed the Head, a different Brain I’d have Instead. One that shoved the Clutter Out, great Idea without a Doubt. Memory that never Ends, parting Words, “Let’s Just Be Friends.” Whole Cake eaten Yesterday, unless Ice Cream got in the Way. Those who just might Rant with Rage, I’m only in the … Read moreA new Design for the Head
Workday Mornings!!!!
Think I’ll hit the Snooze Alarm, five more Minutes – what’s the Harm? Make the Bed or let it Go, now Decisions start to Grow. Toilet Roll has just Run Out, you just want to Scream and Shout. Make your Mind up fast – Chop Chop, pull from Bottom or the Top? Take a Shower … Read moreWorkday Mornings!!!!
Size Matters
Size counts in Yachts if you have the Money, same goes for Hives if you have the Honey, certainly Elephants come into Play, when pricing Tuna – how much do they Weigh. If playing the Field and searching a Mate, be checking for Size while starting to Date. See what they Got – how Large … Read moreSize Matters