Unwelcome Food Tasters

Do you Long to do Unmasking, Those who Taste food without Asking? Folks that really Alienate, Souls that Take food Off your Plate! Slapping Hands – Scolding Words, punishment That’s for the Birds. Ensure their Tasting won’t Repeat, Encase their Hands in Thick Concrete.


Pee in the Pools – Pee in the Showers, Can mess up your Day – Damage your Flowers. Ashamed to Admit in this Epilogue, with Enough Beers can Pee like a Dog. A Natural Function of God’s own Design, If given the Task – it Wouldn’t be Mine. A simple Solution would be my Cure, … Read moreTinkle


I’m hard of Hearing – least what I’m Told, tried Hearing Aids – never been Sold. Sounds from Afar drown Out what is Near, a Jumbled Mess is all that I Hear. When Young I reacted to Everyone’s Voice, that’s how I Succeeded – did Not have a Choice. Now that I’m Older no need … Read moreHuh?

Stop Lights don’t Discriminate

Stop Lights don’t Discriminate, though Sometimes they can make you Late. Stop is Red – Go is Green, Yellow’s careful In-between. Benefit to What we Said, with Stop Lights planted in our Head? Before the Words shot Out our Mouth, Yellow’d guard from heading South.

He-Man Truck

Drive thru is a way of life, at least it is for me and wife. Yesterday was our bad luck, got behind a He-Man Truck. Dual tires – stunning gear, massive bumper in the rear. Testosterone flowed off in plumes, including gagging diesel fumes. Tail pipe stuck right in our face, could not move or … Read moreHe-Man Truck


Apologies if I offend, my wonderment I can’t pretend. How it rings Libido’s bells, resembling snot in ugly shells. At the age of Seven-One, I’d sure have to eat a Ton. Before I morphed to “Machine Dude,” the puking sounds would kill the Mood.

Confession of a Radical

When I’m out and have to go, I am TP’s Bandido. Café, Airport, Hospital, make me one Hot Radical!. Single ply is such a laugh, best it does is create chafe. Grab all extra I can get, and cram it in the Damn Toilet!

Before the 50 Years

Fifty years we’ve been together, beat the odds’ symbolic weather. Still old memories make me tingle, back when I was firmly single. Most times stirred when hear a song, from a place that’s so long gone. Seems it’s always ‘bout a girl, back my thoughts begin to swirl. Relationships that did not last, now a … Read moreBefore the 50 Years