Football? Football?

Who has the Right to Use the Term, there are Two Sides and They hold Firm. Champions boast To the World, Arguments for Each are Furled. Great Athletes they Play both Games, the List too Long to Name the Names. The Truest Test without Fanfare, Switch the Balls and Play from There.  

Long, Long Hair – Long, Gone Hair

Long, Long Hair ‘til almost Nine, Long, Gone Hair this Gem of Mine. Was a Time when She was Small, now She’s growing very Tall. Time goes Slow – then Time goes Fast, plead the Memories to Last. As She’s making Life’s Impact, hope my Marbles stay Intact.


Immigrant to Foreigner, Aliens sure Cause a Stir. Reality is What I See, for They make Up most of Thee. I’m a Mutt and Proud to Be, no Mixed Blood there’d Be no Me!

Sex in Seconds Flat

As I watch “Early” TV, mix of Products what I see. K-Y advertises That, can have Sex in Seconds Flat Guess there’s Reason for the Rush, demanding Lives seem to Crush. As I sit Here at my Age, “Seconds” reach another Stage. Like when Joints start to Lock, Cable News I want to Block. Reading … Read moreSex in Seconds Flat


Hom-uh-nim, Calm-a-gym, Ate at Eight and then a Swim. Meet there first to Have some Meat, Feet were dancing what A Feat. Homograph or Homophone, I’m confused and Not Alone. Bear in mind that when you’re Bare, Stair outside they just might Stare.

I or Me?

I or Me – Whoop De De, never Know which One to Be. Subject or the Object Pronoun, Each one Gives my Brain a Frown. I am Outside looking In, and My only Way to Win Maybe it is Grammar Rude, when in Doubt I use “The Dude.”

The Break Wind Symphony

Enjoy Relief’s Epitome, with “The Break Wind Symphony.” Silent Notes up to Extreme, Folks Alive know What I Mean. Proudly it’s Your own Creation, Praise should Be through the Duration. Crudely might Be called a Fart, Shame ‘cause it’s a True Mozart. Even if a Masterpiece, Swallow Pride and Be at Peace. In a Crowd … Read moreThe Break Wind Symphony

Roses for Her

Grandma, Mother, even Wife, Fifty Plus she’s Been my Life. Stuck with Me through Thick and Thin, to Pay her Back where to Begin? Remember all the Special Days, and Still do in Many Ways. Today gave Roses that are Tall, no Specific Reason at All.  


Constipation comes to Mind, Push and Wait on your Behind. Pants worn Well when was a Pup, Pulling hard To button Up. Bending down to Tie your Shoes, Loafers might Be better News. If it’s Clarity you Want, Could be Time for Larger Font. If some Words you Want to Write, But ideas just Don’t … Read moreStrain


Fate can Be a Bitch Sometimes, perhaps Payback for Lifetime Crimes? Plan your Life a certain Way, Predetermined for End’s Day. Animal and Man’s the Same, What you Hope by any Name. If you are Wyoming’s Deer, Fate might be a Chandelier.