My Blanket

My blanket and my thumb, together they have now become, the strength that I use every day, to beat whatever comes my way. Be it good or be it bad, be it happy –  be it sad. Be it new or be it old, be it hot – be it cold. Be it anything at … Read moreMy Blanket

The Fox & the Phython

“Beware of all Strangers” Frida Fox had been Told, from Parents, and Teachers, and Even the Old. “That’s easy to Follow – I won’t Be their Prey, for If they Look Mean – I’ll just Run Away. Frida from School – Short Cut through the Park, was Hurrying Home – Felt route Was a Lark. … Read moreThe Fox & the Phython

Sniffers & Ear-lee

Sniffers the Dog was different for sure, condition of which – there wasn’t a cure. Feeling like thorns in a bouquet of roses, Sniffers was born with two distinct noses. One to the left and one to the right, Sniffers was sure he did look a fright. Were no other dogs that he’d ever seen, … Read moreSniffers & Ear-lee

Word Definitions

Definitions of a word, multi-meanings that’s absurd. Gospel is the Dictionary, age has taught me to be wary. Words that meant one thing when young, now a different tune is sung. In the mood in nothing flat, now that “Nooner” means a nap.

My Pal – Gal

Everybody needs a pal, I’ve got mine – her name is Gal. Cheers me up when I am sad, calms me down when I get mad. Can count on her to stay right there, if I run off – like, anywhere! Best of all we seldom feud, ‘cause she never eats my food.

Newton’s Third Law

Physics left me mystified, my dumber gene just amplified. Newton really got some traction, when action brought a strong reaction. Call it real or call it fiction, some might call it contradiction. When sneezing hard that may just send, equal air through the other end.

Power Sap

It seems as though our Politics, can’t live without their Dirty Tricks, Gotcha here – Gotcha there, advantage small that one might snare. Catchy slogans – flashy planes, mammoth buses for campaigns. Pressing flesh – being seen, moving on like some machine. As we watch the Candidates, from morning sun to dinner plates. It seems … Read morePower Sap

Running Free

Running free in a field, time in space does it yield. Sun is setting beautiful, on this golden juvenile. Photo catching in mid-stride, grace in form it does not hide. Long hair flowing in the breeze, in this picture just to please. For this frame a moment told, very young and yet so bold. Has … Read moreRunning Free

Robots for President

Perhaps there’d Be no Argument, if Robots ran for President. Program them with All the Traits, built in Mass from All the States. Issues would Be Up for Votes, meaningless Would be the Quotes. Software’d be Reality, throw out Personality. Finals be a Blowout Bowl, we Could scrap A final poll. Robot standing At the … Read moreRobots for President