Physicians & Vampires

Seems I see countless Physicians, with my age it’s more conditions, and each time they say, “Hey Stud – need some more – your aging Blood.” Appears to me – without a doubt, they just can’t wait to take more out. Where’s the stuff that goes unused – for what I think – might be … Read morePhysicians & Vampires

The Other Side

Sitting there and being mopy, all in all just kind of dopy. “Bout the state your life exists, wishing, wanting still persists. Others really have it made, envy how the cards they played. If jump the fence for better land, green might end up just quicksand.


Someday bugs will rule the world, their power, then, will be unfurled. Will they fight or get along, splinter groups or peaceful throng? Whatever species that will rule, preservation their main tool. Among the top of edicts made, the ban of pesticides like Raid.

Just Space

Space is a place where Astronauts fly, or bowls filled with mixture for baking a pie. It could be a slot for parking your car, a stool where you sit at your favorite bar. Space can be empty or completely full, extremely intriguing or painfully dull. But it’s most important while piling up years, to … Read moreJust Space


What if Mankind lived forever? Cannot think of nothing better? Earth might get a little crowded, but hey – we never would be shrouded. History would walk around, be right here in sight in sound. Only thing to make some waver – all trees wiped out for toilet paper

Live Forever?

What if Mankind lived forever? Cannot think of nothing better? Earth might get a little crowded, but hey – we never would be shrouded. History would walk around, be right here in sight in sound. Only thing to make some waver – all trees wiped out for toilet paper

What once was Bad is now Good

Eat those eggs and you will die, better not give nuts a try. Potatoes make your belly big, coffee’s wired with each swig. Red wine’s just another vice, chocolate’s close to rolling dice. Eat more junk food – that’s a yup, and wait for science to catch up.