“CeeeMeee” from Space is Making a Trip,
Picked out a Place – Fueled Up the Ship.
Stocked Up with Items of Value and Worth,
Set up a Course straight for Our Earth.
Studied the Languages – All of the Places,
Set Data Base for All of their Faces.
Took quite a While to Translate it All,
Some of their Words got His Overhaul.
Did his Homework – certainly Glad,
Beamed up a Phone but not an iPad.
Earth People spent Lots of time Texting,
In CeeeMeee’s World just called it Spexting.
Letters they Used were Almost the Same,
When CeeeMeee arrived would Be in the Game.
Thought the Earth People a Little Bazaar,
Resigned to Accept them Just as They Are.
Lots of Texts Ended with brief “LOL”,
Why “Eat their Grapes while Stuck in a Well?”
Of course There were Those who wrote “BFF”,
Meaning to CeeeMeee – “A Tall Purple Chef.”
Saw quite a Few with “X’s and O’s”,
Why would they “Eat Spaghetti Toes”?
Some would be Brief with just “TLC”,
Don’t understand “Rain Boots on a Bee?”
CeeeMeee arrived – No One gave a Moan,
All were too busy Watching their Phone.
Colliding with Buildings – Falling in Water,
Mom or the Dad – Son or the Daughter.
Liked “Twitter Bird” – Resembled his Pet,
His name for It – just “Space Cadet.”
Took a Learned Skill that was Really Neat,
While CeeeMeee was Here – Picked Up how to Tweet.
Made his Last Tweet – this Creator,
He’s signing off with, “Later Gator”.
But he Remains rather Perplexed,
Why some “AssTroid” changed It to “X”?