I’ve got the “Big C” – don’t mean Crazy,***
Exact terms are Kind of Hazy.
On my Face and On my Chest,
This is Where I’ll wear Scars Best.
Just Relax – We’ll Carve on You,
This is All we Ever Do.
Like the Deli at Safeway,
They cut Meat up Everyday.
As I took this Derma-Stroll,
Why not Get a Tuck and Roll?
Was no Time but Just as Well,
Medicare won’t Foot the Bill.
Gave me Local but not Wine,
Sort of Look like Frankenstein.
Sunshine Sins from Long Ago,
Cancer Cells were Growing Slow.
Guess it Could have Been much Worse,
Caught before I’m in a Hearse.
Told me That more Will Appear,
So just Wait and Have a Beer.
Bronze Fanatic in the Sun,
Those Sin Rays I got a Ton.
If knew Then what I know Now,
Still would Done the Same Somehow.
*** In the spirit of full disclosure – the idea for this first line came from a Mark Chesnutt song, “Goin’ Through the Big D.” What can I say – I like Country Music and this song came into my head during my procedures and thus out sprouted this Rhyme.