Bite and Me

I would Like a Pet Mosquito,
That Would be Extremely Neat-O,
And to Truly do it Right,
I would Have to Name it “Bite.”

Adopt it While it’s Still an Egg,
’For it’s Thirst for Blood is Played.
Take it On a Path that’s Shrewd,
Wean it Slow on all Junk Food.

Prolong Life through Chemistry,
Maybe Age of Thirty-Three?
Hand in Wing we’d Set our Path,
Rid the World of Stife and Wrath.

Each Adventure comes Success,
How to Share we must Address.
Get the Folks behind our Cause,
Must be More than just Applause.

Pitch it to the Network Kings,
Hoping It will Sprout some Wings.
Our Own Show and in Prime Time,

Maybe Even Make a Dime.

Reality or a Sitcom,
Good for Kids and Even Mom.
Be a Hit for All to See,
Fame for Sure as “Bite and Me.”