My History with Shaving

I remember in My Youth – Looked Into the Mirror.
Hoping that a Manly Man would Be coming Nearer.
Lathered up my Younger Face – for One Tiny Hair.
Razor with no Blade in It – didn’t Really Care.

Then in Time it Came to Pass – have to Shave for Real.
Cuts and Toilet Paper – seemed to Seal the Deal.
Started taking Gentle Swipes with some Practiced Care,
Getting Ready for each Day in my Underwear.

Tried to Grow some Facial Hair – didn’t Work for Me,
When it Showed up on My Face – looked Quite “Ghas-til-ly.”
Late in Life and now I Say – in a Seasoned
Wish my  “Aging Facial Hairs” – Fell off On their Own!