My Solution to Unfair Taxation

If Pollution makes you Seethe,
Tax the Air that We all Breathe,
And to Show how Fair I Play,
More you Breathe – More you Pay.

‘Fore you Start to Scream and Shout,
Sleeping would Be a Time Out.
Expanding on my Perception,
Snoring might Be the Exception.

How Would I compute a Total?
Answer might be Anecdotal.
Gadgets ‘round your Neck and Wrist,
Even Earrings for a Twist.

Scrap the Codes, Books, and Binders,
Breath’s you Take would be Reminders,
Talking takes a Lot more Air,
Tax for Words you might Compare.

We might Use our Two Ears More,
To Save on Tax our Major Chore.
Listen More and Talking Less,
Might help All – it’s Just a Guess.

Start Petitions – March in Streets,
Signs and Banners – Written Sheets,
One by One – the Strength we’ll Gain,
“Tax each Breath by Grant Campaign.”