My Pledge

Shear the Wool off of a Sheep,
Warming Blankets while you Sleep.

Mow the Grass out On your Lawn,
Nap Time with a Fitting Yawn.

Down the Wood of a Large Tree,
Feed the Need for Scarce TP.

Prune a Spot that’s On your Rose,
Enjoy the Fragrance in your Nose.

Trim the Fat around your Meat,
Benefits before your Eat.

At this Time of Shrinking Work,
Loyalties I will not Shirk.
As my Mane grows To my Knees,
I will Wait ‘til Rules Ease.

From the Bottom or the Top,
Pledge that I won’t Whack my Mop.
So to Her – You have my Vote,
To Cut the Hair of this Old Goat.