Senior Discounts

Senior Discounts are sure Nice, items At a Lower Price. Is a Chance for One to Revel, age has Reached a certain Level. Also there’s a Sober Tone, certainly You’re not Alone. With the Discount they Engage, assuming That you Meet the Age.

Close to Home

Used to Travel here and There, U.S., Foreign, Everywhere. But no Matter where I Roam, the Best Part was Getting Home. No I’m Old and getting Wise, lost my Itch for Friendly Skies. Got fine Memories that will Last, of My once Adventurous Past. Glad to be Home more than Not, simple Pleasures now Allot. … Read moreClose to Home

FaceApp & Me

FaceApp seems to Be the Rage, turns your Mug to any Age. I will Be no Enrollee, for this App is Lost on Me. If Older Look I want to Speed, bathroom mirror is All I Need. If younger Me I want to View, yellow Polaroid’s will Do. If my Kisser Russian’s Want, to Use … Read moreFaceApp & Me