A Bug Abode

She Shack, Man Cave, or Whatever,
I’ve got Something even Better.
My idea in Overload,
Why not Build a Bug Abode?

In your Home or Office Space,
Bugs can Get in Any Place.
Peace not War might Be the Trick,
Up to You which One you Pick.

Bug Abode’s won’t Take much Room,
Maybe Where you Store your Boom?
Make it Cozy – Stock with Things,
See the Friendship that it Brings.

Picnic Blanket pilled with Food,
Party Favors – don’t be Rude.
Set out Many games to Play,
Let Love flow upon the Day.

Treat the Bugs as would Yourself,
Put your Worries on the Shelf.
Extend the Kindness up to Hardy,
Organize a Bug Block Party.