The End to Boring Days

All our Days now End in “Y,”
Time to Change them – Why not Try?
Names we Have are Getting Boring,
“Spark” your Life and “Start” Restoring.

Begin the Week on a “Mondid,”
What to Share and What to Rid?

The Next in Line would be “Tuesdot,”
Utilize what You’ve been taught.

Follow that with Weird “Wednesdud,”
Hump Day change to Charge your Blood.

Then there’d the Slow “Thursdip,”
Into the Weekend start to Slip.

Certainly there’d be a “Fridab,”
Cement your Plans and Start to Gab.

Last would be Hot “Saturdop,”
Party Hard and do Not Stop.

Finally would be “Sundug,”
Rest your Bod – Refresh your Mug.

Taco Tuesdot has a Ring,
Mondid Football Worshiping.
Wednesdud, Thursdip, and Fridab,
Saturdop, Sundug, let’s Confab.