Sugar – In My Perfect World

In My Perfect World – all Food would Be Sweet,
Sugar would Be in All that I Eat.
Cookies for Breakfast – Pie just for Lunch,
Ice Cream for Dinner and Skittles to Munch.

Sweets would Be Packed with All the Good Stuff,
Required Ingredients to Make me Look Buff.
Spinach would Really Put on the Weight,
Broccoli banned From All that I Ate.

Brussel & Sprouts – Bad for my Heart,
Twinkies; however, Would make Me look Smart.
More Sugar I Have the Better I Chew,
Healthiest Dish – Sweet M&M Stew.

Sugar would Even Strengthen my Teeth,
Improve all those Organs I have Underneath.
Increasing the Years that I’ll be Around,
Eat all I Want and Not Gain a Pound.