When She has Kids of Her Own

Way back In my Younger Days,
caught some Shows on AM Waves.
Then we Got our first TV,
many Things I had to See.

Mom and Dad laid Down the Law,
times and Shows of Which I Saw.
Go outside and Play with Friends,
persecution Never Ends.

Was not Long we Made our Plan,
conspiracy We then Began.
In One house Sent out to Play,
to Others went and Watched our Way.

Granddaughter has Box with Games,
numerous with Strangest Names.
Then there is Her darn Cell Phone,
when She’s on It – In the Zone.

Mom has Tried to Set some Rules,
get her to Try the Older Tools.
What I view as Old Grandpa,
attempts Are somewhat At a Draw.

When granddaughter Has her Own,
things they Have she will Bemoan,
Whether it’s a He or She,
the Time they Spend – She won’t Agree.